There are seven Chakras within the physical body. Through these Chakras, we transmit and receive physical, emotional, and spiritual energy.  The chakras are manifested in one’s physical state.  The ideal is to have all chakra centers vitalized, clear and balanced for optimal well-being.  The Chakra System dates back to ancient times and was explored by Eastern Gurus and Masters.

Each chakra is associated with a particular area of the body and a color of the spectrum.  Crystals are used at chakra centers to clear, revitalize, and heal. Crystal wands assist in opening up the chakras.  As a rule of thumb, each chakra has a unique color that relates to the crystals you should use when working on them.

  • Location – solar plexus, below the breast bone.
  • Color – yellow.
  • Energy – intellect, ambition, personal power, protective.
  • When the solar plexus chakra is stubby  you experience fear, and you develop into controlling. You want self-confidence, and you are not able to verbalize your emotions, you are powerless.
  • When this chakra is balanced, you finally stop your tendency to control everything. You change into fresh ideas, and you’re experiencing delight and happiness.
  • When your solar plexus chakra is overactive, you have the furious wish to control the whole world.
  • Gemstone: Citrine, Pyrite, Quartz, Sunstone, Yellow Jasper, Amber, Moonstone, Topaz, Golden Calcite, and Opal.

Solar Plexus Chakra Balance